I had worked with a run coach previously and knew I valued having workouts planned for me and not having to think about how far or how fast to run on a particular day. However, I did not feel confident leading up to last year's fall race (which went horribly) and was looking to find a coach that better understood my needs and checked in with me more frequently so I could feel more prepared for my goal race. I am proud that I was able to complete most of my training runs and workouts while also being flexible enough to do the things that bring me joy such as running with local run clubs and horseback riding. My goal was to finally break 4:00 in the marathon after 3 previous attempts. Despite some setbacks with shin splints during the training cycle (which Tammy helped me navigate with more cross training and reduced speed workouts), I was so happy to accomplish this in Chicago with a few minutes to spare and pick up a 20 minute PR. I felt so much better prepared and confident going into this race thanks to more practice miles at my goal pace. I also think I had an improved fueling strategy and overall mindset. I also had no shin pain during the race and was really happy with my time! - Melissa B.

I was struggling to complete a training cycle after having a baby and kept getting sidetracked by illness or injuries. I knew Tammy’s positive coaching style would help me navigate these challenges as they come up, so I could readjust but still meet my goals. After working with Tammy for less than a year, I have hit two PR’s in the half marathon and 5K. But beyond that I have learned so much about my potential as a runner and have a newfound enjoyment in my runs. - Catrin J.

I started working with Tammy in Fall 2022. I have been self coached and hired a coach previously. Neither situation ended well and I was left feeling burnt out. I knew I wanted to run a marathon and wanted a coach with a lot of experience in the distance, as well as someone who would challenge me but would still respect that I had personal and professional responsibilities outside of training. Working with Tammy has given me an improved outlook on running and made me more process oriented, rather than just focused on a time goal. Slowing down has really enhanced my relationship with running. A major component of this is Tammy encouraging and reassuring me that running slow and easy is good for me :) I also have new PR’s in the half and full marathon distances, including a sub-3:00 BQ! Separate from the times, I'm feeling the strongest I've ever felt with running. In addition, Tammy's knowledge is vast! I've been able to learn a lot about training principles, nutrition, recovery and mental preparation for racing. She's cultivated a fun, caring group culture. If I have questions regarding gear, races, or anything else running related I know Tammy or another member of the TW Team will have answers! - Joe N.

I signed up for coaching with Tammy because I had hit a plateau with my half marathon times and I wanted to get faster. In addition to a 11+ minute PR + breaking 2:00 for the first time in the half marathon; a 7 minute Ten Mile PR; and running negative splits for the first time in a race, I gained so much more. I am running smarter (such as slowing down my easy runs),  improving my fueling strategies, and running more consistently. Tammy’s coaching style is very encouraging and overall I gained confidence and a more positive attitude toward running. I even look forward to speed and long run workouts now! - Rebecca M.

I signed up to work with Coach Tammy because I felt that I wasn't really making any progress by myself. I had been an active gym member for almost 20 years but had only recently started running at the age of 57. I loved the races and I have a competitive spirit, but I was starting to find it difficult to feel motivated for my training runs. I often felt overwhelmed by the thought of some of the longer runs. I needed motivation and I needed direction. Through the coaching I began to realize that I was running most of my training runs too hard. I have learned the value of slowing down both mentally and physically. I have found renewed joy in my running. This last year especially I can feel myself getting stronger. This season I recently got not one, but three PR's, and the last time I had a PR was 2019. The first one was for a 10 miler on a challenging course; the second was a 5K which I improved by 10 seconds per mile; and the last was breaking 2:00 in the half marathon for the first time. And I felt very strong at the end of all races! In addition to the individualized coaching and support, I have also enjoyed the social aspect of getting to know some of the other team members both through social media supported by Tammy as well as the Team events at some of the major races. - Mary S.

I signed up to work with Coach Tammy because I wanted to push myself in a more structured running environment. Tammy’s program was what I was looking for - individualized and professional programming and support within a like minded running community. I’m really proud that I was able to consistently stick to my running program, pushing myself physically in a new way, and maybe even more importantly, I improved my mental toughness. Because of this, I was able to hit a new half marathon and marathon PR! Tammy is really knowledgeable about other fitness and wellness topics that support healthy and strong running, including strength training, nutrition, gear, etc. I learned a ton from Tammy along the way about these topics via provided resources, webinars, and newsletters, in addition to the individualized running plan and coaching support. Thank you, Coach Tammy! - Renae P.

After an injury-filled first marathon training cycle, I made the decision to work with a running coach because I knew I was doing something wrong, and boy am I glad I found Tammy. I went from being in physical therapy 3 times a week to not only being injury free, but running a 17 minute PR, and I could not have done it without Tammy. Marathon training can be very lonely, and having someone rooting for you the whole training cycle the way Tammy does made all the difference. During especially humid days or a tough speed workout I had Tammy’s voice in my head saying “you can do hard things” - knowing that she would be excited to see that I hit all my splits. Marathon training is also time consuming, and planning runs or figuring out speed workouts adds a whole new layer, so having Tammy plan all of my workouts and adjust to my fitness levels was a complete 180 from the Google training schedule I found my first time around. Come race day, I usually have such bad race anxiety but for Chicago this year I was actually excited. I am a very numbers focused person so being able to talk through a race plan with Tammy prior to the race was also extremely helpful and allowed me to lock in and focus on what we had planned during the race. By the time I reached the last 10k I thought about Tammy saying this is when the race actually happens and dug deep and let it fly, knowing this is exactly why we had all of those hard speed workouts and it felt amazing. Even my parents were shocked to see how much I was cruising down that final stretch and were so happy to see me actually having fun racing again! I could go on and on but working with Tammy was one of the best decisions I made for my running career and I cannot thank her enough and can’t imagine doing another marathon without her! - Sarah H.

As a beginning runner, I knew I could use more structure in my training but didn't have the expertise or time to figure out how to progress on my own. As I continued to run, I wanted to make sure running stayed fun while training safely to avoid injuries. After working with Tammy, I'm really proud of my consistency. I feel like I can call myself a runner now. I'm also really proud of finishing my first half marathon. I never would've imagined running that far even six months ago. When I floated the idea of trying a half to Tammy right before the 8-mile race I'd been training for, she didn't hesitate to say that she thought I could do it and made a plan to get me ready. I feel so much more confident in my running than I did before I started working with Tammy. I am really busy and I love having my workouts planned for me and being coached by a real person who is invested in my success. In addition, there's so much information out there and it saves me so much time and energy to use the resources that Tammy has put together and be able to ask her questions too. - Kate N.

The main reason I signed up with Tammy was because I wanted to improve on my marathon performance and run a personal best. In that same vein, I was looking for some direction and focus with my training. In my goal race this year, I ran a big PR, taking 29 minutes off of my previous personal best from the year before! Beyond hitting a big time goal, I’ve also changed the way I think about fueling and hydration (which made a huge difference on race day), I’ve slowed my easy runs down so that they are truly easy, I’ve increased my cadence, and I developed a greater belief in myself that I can actually run a marathon at a pace faster than I ever had before - which was huge. It’s really helpful having Tammy as a resource for questions and concerns  - everything from advice about shoes and fueling, to race schedules, etc, as well as the race day prep and planning. Finally, having the Slack channel and community of runners to connect with is a big bonus of working with Tammy, and it's been lovely keeping up with everyone and following fellow teammates on social media and in Slack! - Anna B.

I had a fantastic time training with the TW Training Team for my first marathon! In short, Tammy is supportive, approachable, and makes running new distances anything but scary. The community she creates is great not only for keeping runners on track, but is also an invaluable resource for information and cheer support. The plans give priority to safe training and injury avoidance, as opposed to simply piling on mileage, and made room for flexibility and for incorporating other activities and daily life. I don’t know that I would have gone into my first marathon with the calm and confidence that I did without Tammy’s and the entire TW Training crew’s support. Tammy made it possible for me to strike a balance between appropriate caution and not holding myself back. I would highly recommend TW Training for anyone looking to build up running regularly, with accountability and support, and hoping to finish or race any longer distance with a smile.” - Diane L.

“When I decided to sign up for my first marathon, I knew I needed a coach. Despite having run multiple half marathons and 10 milers, I knew enough to realize there was a ton I didn't know. So it was important to me to work with a coach whose advice would help prepare and center me. I found that and more in Tammy. She explained her overall training philosophy at the onset and throughout the training program. This demonstrated a comprehensiveness and deep thinking about training that was incredibly comforting. Tammy is also very responsive, even when I neurotically texted her about something that was a way bigger deal in my head than in reality. She is patient, clear and encouraging when discussing workout plans. As the training progressed and I went through the tough mileage loading period, I was so grateful for having chosen to work with Tammy, as I knew there was a person who had the experience as a coach and runner to guide me through this journey. Can't wait to work with her again soon!” - James C.

“I signed up with Tammy to increase my confidence in running and to finish my first marathon. I’m super proud of how consistent I have been throughout training and how all my hard work came to fruition on race day! I was able to run my first marathon in under 4 hours and still feel motivated to run post-race. I began to look forward to my interval runs and was able to hit my intervals almost every time, which was so pleasantly surprising! I went into this marathon more confident than other races and truly enjoyed the entire race when I trusted my training.” - Elly R.

I started working with Tammy because I train much better with a coach that can provide a detailed plan as well as have interactive feedback and dialogue. I love to run but can't coach myself well enough and having Tammy’s coaching and running knowledge is perfect for me. She is constantly making sure you are on the right path together and that your plan is still working for you as you train. While I didn’t PR in my last training block, I also learned that PRs aren’t the only measurement of success. I avoided injury - which has been a struggle in the past - because I stuck to the plan she laid out and we incorporated different elements to keep me running. I’ve also had some big mental shifts from working with Tammy. I think running easy will always be my struggle but I've learned to accept that it works. And that thinking about other aspects of running, not just the clock, is just as important. Finally, I love that our group that trains with Tammy can really rely on each other, even though we live in all different cities. There is a wealth of knowledge among all of us and we support each other through it all! - Jeanne B.

“After many years of running on my own and occasionally using training programs I found online, I decided it was time for a more structured approach to become a stronger runner. After talking with Tammy, I decided to sign up and it was an excellent decision. I really appreciate Tammy's personalized and flexible approach. My goal race was the Parkway Classic which I've been running every year for over 10 years. My finish time last year was 1:39:14. This year, thanks to Tammy's coaching, I was completely prepared and felt strong the entire race. My finish time was 1:25:44 -- my best time in years! I highly recommend Tammy no matter your age or ability. Her tailored approach will help you reach your goals and make you a better athlete.” - Mark P.

“I started working with Tammy in June 2018 to train for my first marathon. I had run several half marathons, but injuries repeatedly derailed my past attempts at the full distance. I decided to invest in my running, and I'm so glad I did. Tammy's coaching has delivered incredible results both mentally and physically. In addition to running my first marathon, with Tammy's help I've clocked PRs in other race distances including the 5k and half marathon. Tammy's customized training plan is tailored to my preferences while still helping me hit my goals - I cross-train in the barre and pilates classes I love, and each run has a clear purpose. Beyond feeling stronger and being faster, Tammy has dramatically improved my mental approach to running. She has guided me through the hiccups that come up in every training cycle, and changed my mindset - I no longer feel like they are a sign that I've failed or done something wrong. And because I use Tammy's 1:1 coaching, I can turn to her with questions anytime and I'm no longer stressed out about how to adapt my training plan if my schedule changes. If you're considering a running coach, Tammy is the way to go!” - Madeline S.

I signed up with Coach Tammy because I wanted a better way to be held accountable other than myself. I wanted to receive honest feedback and support as well. Tammy has helped a lot with my fueling (carbs & electrolytes) for long runs + races. She’s also helped me figure out what easy pace really should look & feel like. Tammy is relatable, listens and is supportive but also honest to tell you what you need to hear and that has been very helpful for me. I’m looking forward to more progress with her! - Max M.